October 2012

Itu Jari Tangan? Serius?

October 1, 2012 My Mind

Pernah ngga sih dapet komentar fisik yang ngga enak dan bikin mikir negatif sama diri sendiri? Kayak misalnya gendut, kurus, pesek, pendek, buntet dll. Dari kecil, aku udah kenyang banget sama komen gendut dari orang sekitar. Lama-lama komen itu pelan-pelan berubah dari “gendut” ke “jari buntet”. Not that I’m not fat anymore, but the focus is just slowly change because I have new hobby. I love to play piano and sometimes I wanna share what I love to my social media.Read More

Hi there!

Hi there! Welcome to my blog! My name is Mirza Arfina, some of my friends call me Mija and you can call me that too. I work in mental health sector, a clinical psychologist if I may say. In counseling room, I listen to my clients stories. Here on my blog, I share mine.

Thank you for coming to this blog, hope you have a good day!


