Right after I graduated on August 2018, I wrote a list about what kind of job that I want. Here’s some of them:
- Non Government Organization (NGO), foundation or hospital
- Not in Jakarta or Bandung
- In remote area but under a well-known foundation
- No more formal suit
Those are specific things, I know. But I remember that we should put specific details in our prayer and wish-list so yeah that’s why 😛 Long story short, I accepted the offer from SOS Children’s Village Indonesia to be a psychologist at Eastern area. It is at Bali and Flores. SOS Children’s Village is the world’s largest NGO focused on supporting children without parental care and families at risk. Thank God all criteria on the list are checked!
Some of my friends made farewell party for me days before I leave Bandung. I told them “Gosh, we will be just an hour apart. Farewell party thingy is really not necessary.” (ps: I regret saying that) They even made a surprise appearance at the airport, yeah they took me to the check-in gate. Now I miss them a lot.

Let’s get back to the SOS. First place to go is SOS Bali that located at Tabanan. Just like what I want, it’s literally at remote area. Actually it’s just around twenty minutes apart to city if I go by car or motorbike. But I have no vehicle here and not any of online taxis reach this place so for me the city is really far away.
About my work, it’s really different if I compare it to my first job back in 2014. I was once a recruiter at Indonesia Stock Exchange (or well known as Bursa Efek Indonesia in Jakarta). I did well there but I think big company doesn’t suit me. Here in Bali, I work with just shirt, jeans and sandal. My first day started with an educator-meeting in the morning. But the meeting was postponed because all men were asked to help to cut down a super big tree near to the office. What? Can you imagine that? It’s something that impossible happen at my first work place. I was just said “Oh okay” when they asked me to wait for the meeting to started. But I told myself “OMG this is what I want, no formal suit, no high building, with flexible office hour and yeah I’m surrounded by nature.” They, the men, were busy cutting down the tree and I was busy saying alhamdulillah this is my dream job. Wait, am I weird? Lol.
Here’s a sneak peek to my meeting table then and now 🙂

No more Jakarta, no more formal suit, no more fancy thing. I’m happy!

Two months here and I’ve learned lots of new things: culture, language, song (yes I learn Balinese songs!) and others. I’m the only Muslim here but I don’t find it as an obstacle to socialize. One more thing I realize in this two months: I think my standard of happiness is already changed. I get happy easily. When I find kids getting better than before, I’m happy. When toddlers running to me and calling “Kak Mirza! Kak Mirza!”, I’m happy. Last week I conducted a session of music therapy for a girl who difficult to express herself. At the session I saw her smile and sing for the first time. I was so happy! There are so much other simple things that make me happy here, oh kids are really good mood booster!

On the other side, I get tired easily too. With so much activities here and I live in the village, at the same area with them, it’s like I work 24/7. Sometimes when I try to meet my bed someone knock on my door saying she/he wanna talk to me about this or that problem. That happened quite often and I need to find a way to make a good quality time with myself. But if you ask me if I’m happy to be here, yes I am! Every dream job has consequences, right?
Been two months here in Bali and now I have to leave and go to Flores. My flight to Maumere is scheduled on tomorrow morning. Guess there will be another adventure waiting for me. Can’t wait!

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