November has been super exhausting—physically, mentally, and financially. Yet somehow, here we are at the end of the month, staring at the last chapter of 2024. Time moves fast, eh?
This month felt like a spending spree. I went to so many places—trying new food spots, attending events, exploring. It was fun, but let’s just say my wallet has seen better days. On the bright side, some extra work came in (finally!) toward the end of November, so maybe it balances out?
November was also about trying new things. Not just fun stuff, but also stepping into situations that made me reflect and grow. I’ve learned to be more firm—clear about what I want, and what I don’t. The funny thing is, though, some things stay the same. I still like and dislike the same stuff. Consistency is comforting, I guess.
If I had to sum it up, I’d say I’m grateful. For the chaos, the calm, and everything in between.
Now, 2024 has only one month left. Bismillah, may all my plans run more smoothly, and may happiness find its way to me. I know, wanting to be happy sounds cliché—emotions are just part of life. But hey, as a human, I’m allowed to hope that things can work out in my own way, right?
So, yeah. Catch you on my next post!

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