Meja Makan

Today Photo Diary

May 25, 2015 Meja Makan, mirzart

Today me Bandung Foodies went to one of newest coffee shop in Bandung. We were invited to taste and review their product. At first we just planned to come to one place but in the end we came to three! And yes, today is my last day to do this kind of activity before I go to Malang next week. Here’s my today photo diary 🙂 Some of new menus that will be launched on June 2015 at Kingkong Express Coffe and cakeRead More

Guest From USS!

December 26, 2014 Friends, Livre Journal, Meja Makan

Tue, Dec 23rd 2014: YEAY, ada tamu spesial dari Singapore! It’s postcard from Sharon yang udah ditunggu hampir dua minggu. Sayang waktu postcard ini nyampe di rumah ngga ada orang yang nerima, jadi sama postman-nya ditinggalin gitu aja di halaman dan kena hujan, basah deh 🙁 Nah kalo penasaran sama anak yang namanya Sharon, liat nih wajahnya. Thanks a bunch Sharon (and the postman)! Such a super-mood-booster after the tiring Tuesday. Ah ya, yang hobi traveling baca-baca blognya Sharon gih di sharontravelogue.comRead More

Hi there!

Hi there! Welcome to my blog! My name is Mirza Arfina, some of my friends call me Mija and you can call me that too. I work in mental health sector, a clinical psychologist if I may say. In counseling room, I listen to my clients stories. Here on my blog, I share mine.

Thank you for coming to this blog, hope you have a good day!


