Category: mirzart
MOOC Project: Done!
Been about a week from the day I said yes to Kat. Now guess what: all finished and I’m so glad that Kat and her team like my result! Kat said that she want a picture of me and her playing drum expressively. It’s so fun that in fact I can’t play that instrument at all. But…
Drawing Picture for MOOC
In October 2015 I participated to a music therapy workshop held by my campus. The speaker is Dr. Katrina McFerran, a board certified music therapist from University of Melbourne, Australia. After the workshop, I made a digital sketch of all of workshop participants and uploaded it on Facebook. I think it’s been a quite long…
Today Photo Diary
Today me Bandung Foodies went to one of newest coffee shop in Bandung. We were invited to taste and review their product. At first we just planned to come to one place but in the end we came to three! And yes, today is my last day to do this kind of activity before I go…