Notes of Mindscapes

Through My Lens: Exploring Minds and Miles

  • Yes, I am the lucky one!

    Actually this is a copy version of the latest post on my tumblr with the same title. On this one, I just translate it in English. So for you guys who have read my tumblr, please don’t be bored and enjoy the flow of my words~ Here we go! I saw Jason Mraz! After a…

  • Tell Her To Make Her Better

    Idk, but I think telling private things on your social media like fb or twitter account is just immature. Sorry to say but that’s what on my mind. And last night I read on my acquaintance’s twitter timeline (I know her less than a week), we don’t follow each other but I knew her account…

  • Oh?

    Last Wednesday, just 2 days after Mrs. Mela asked me to join a concert, she texted me. Told me that I had to came to my music school to take another piano sheets. I will not play 1 song, but 3 songs because she said the song before is too short. Errrr.. (-_-“) So yesterday…

  • Yeayy!

    Yesterday my piano teacher asked me to join a piano concert on this September yeay! And I said (absolutely) yes, OMG! On last August 16th I said to myself that I want to play piano at concert, again. For this one, I will play Footpath in the Rain, a song by M. Konishi at Centre Culturel…

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Mirza Arfina

Clinical psychologist with a love for art, music, coffee and travel.