Notes of Mindscapes

Through My Lens: Exploring Minds and Miles

Author: mirzarfina

  • From Strangers to Bestfriends

    Selama taun 2014 aku punya dua kelompok temen baru, masing-masingnya cuma ketemu intens sama sekitar 6 bulan aja. They are AAX and Bandung Foodies. Bisa dibilang setengah taun pertama, hari-hari dihiasi sama AAX dan setengah taun terakhir sama Bandung Foodies. *** AAX (don’t ask why we named it AAX :P): mereka temen-temen kerja di Jakarta dan…

  • Guest From USS!

    Tue, Dec 23rd 2014: YEAY, ada tamu spesial dari Singapore! It’s postcard from Sharon yang udah ditunggu hampir dua minggu. Sayang waktu postcard ini nyampe di rumah ngga ada orang yang nerima, jadi sama postman-nya ditinggalin gitu aja di halaman dan kena hujan, basah deh 🙁 Nah kalo penasaran sama anak yang namanya Sharon, liat nih…

  • JoJo in 40 Days

    Another concert in 40 days and I’ll play a K-Pop song. Can you believe that I’ll play K-Pop at a classical concert? It all started when Mrs. Mela, my piano teacher, asked me to join the concert and offered me to choose my own song, then I told it to my friend Giza. She said,…

  • Piano Tutorial: Do and Don’t

    1. Do: lift your wrist. Don’t: rest your wrist on piano keys. Even though it sounds sooo basic, but yes some of pianists still do this lazy-man gesture. 2. Do: put your repertoire at the front holder. Don’t: put the repertoire on the floor. 3. Do: normal feet position. Right feet to push the right and…

  • Just Smile, It Helps

    “Just smile, it helps.” Kata-kata di atas ini aku dapet dari Adhel in a 15 mins escape journey on last Friday. Jadi minggu lalu emang lagi cerita suatu masalah gitu dan kata-kata dia yang paling nempel ya itu. Maybe he doesn’t even remember but it was just like a knife stab in my heart. Seorang Mirza Arfina,…

  • Itu Jari Tangan? Serius?

    Pernah ngga sih dapet komentar fisik yang ngga enak dan bikin mikir negatif sama diri sendiri? Kayak misalnya gendut, kurus, pesek, pendek, buntet dll. Dari kecil, aku udah kenyang banget sama komen gendut dari orang sekitar. Lama-lama komen itu pelan-pelan berubah dari “gendut” ke “jari buntet”. Not that I’m not fat anymore, but the focus is…

  • Enjoying Life Rules – Me Version

    Every word I write below is just my opinion, so you may agree or not. Up to you and happy reading, here we go. What we need exactly to happily live our life? There’s no exact theory for that. People have different life. One thing I know, life is simple. Eat when you hungry and…

  • Sungha’s Concert, Confirmed!

    One of the most-talented-fingerstyle-guitarists in the world, Jung Sungha, will come to Indonesia! This is what I’ve been waiting so long. Oh my, I still remember how I surprised my friends during the KKN days (KKN is like a community development participation class that I had to take). It was on January, when I still…

  • Yes, I am the lucky one!

    Actually this is a copy version of the latest post on my tumblr with the same title. On this one, I just translate it in English. So for you guys who have read my tumblr, please don’t be bored and enjoy the flow of my words~ Here we go! I saw Jason Mraz! After a…

  • Tell Her To Make Her Better

    Idk, but I think telling private things on your social media like fb or twitter account is just immature. Sorry to say but that’s what on my mind. And last night I read on my acquaintance’s twitter timeline (I know her less than a week), we don’t follow each other but I knew her account…